3 months ago
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Merry Freaking Christmas
So I did something horrible today. I feel completely awful. So let me preface this story by first saying that I hate rude customers. At work, we always joke about how funny it is that around this time of year people get more and more rude. Holiday cheer? Nah. So anyways, I had to be to work at 6:30 this morning, and as my dear husband puts it so kindly, if I am sleepy, or don't have food in my belly... watch out. I hate waking up early. I would rather stay up until 6 in the morning than wake up at 6 in the morning. Okay anyways, let's just say I was in a grumpy mood when I got off work, but I had a few errands to run before I could go home and relax. I ran to Wal Mart and used the "instant" picture developing kiosk and had my pictures within minutes. I was excited because I wouldn't have to come back in an hour. So I go to pay for them, and this sweet lady asks me if I had paid to get these done. Now, before I go on, you must know that this same sweet lady that is helping me at this moment is the same sweet lady who 2 years ago, helped me with my car when it wouldn't start. My car was parked at Wal Mart and it wouldn't start. I asked her if she had jumper cables and she said she didn't, but that her boyfriend was in the area so she called him and he came over and helped me with my car. A complete stranger. So every time I see her at the photo center, I am reminded of her kindness. Okay back to the story. So that same lady asks me if I paid to have my pictures done. Yes, I did, my aunt Jeanne did them for me. She then asks me if I have a copyright to the pictures... No. She then tells me that she can't give me my pictures until I get written permission from her to use them. What? At first, I don't even comprehend the situation. I just stare. Wait, so you're telling me I can't have my pictures? She then tells me the whole policy and blah blah blah. I don't know what happened but I snapped! I got all snotty and started ranting and raving about how ridiculous that was and I don't have time for this, and just give me my pictures and so on. I was rude. She stayed calm and sweet the whole time while I threw a temper tantrum. Finally, another lady said, just have her sign saying she does have the copyright and give her the pictures. The lady that was originally helping me says, "Okay, I'm done. I'm going home." The other lady was really nice and helped me with the rest of my stuff. She explained that she was just doing her job. I didn't feel too bad until I was on my way to my next stop. All of a sudden it hit me. I'm a (*insert bad word here*). I called my mom and she told me the only way I would feel better was if I went to apologize. I went home and wrote her a sorry note. I wrapped up one of our "neighbor gifts" and took it over to Wal Mart. I asked for the lady but she had gone home. I started telling the other lady that was there how sorry I was and how bad I felt. I started getting choked up and looked like a complete moron. I gave her the gift and card and left on my way. I still feel horrible, but I wanted to post this because I never want to forget this. I just have to say that one bad customer can ruin my entire day. I can't imagine what I did to her day. I also want to remember that this is the Christmas season, and I need to remember what it is really about. It would not have been the end of the world to get the written consent and get my pictures on Monday. I hope this guilty feeling goes away but I also hope that I learn from this. It's Christmas, the happiest time of the year. So let's all be happy :)
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Oh how I miss you!! and LOVE that you felt bad enough to go back and take her a gift. I am POSITIVE it will make her day when she gets that next time she works. Your cute, thanks for the post :) Merry Freaking Happy Christmas!!!
I think it's awesome you posted that. That's a good reminder for us all to be kinder. THanks!
Oh I so hate rude people too, but ya I find myself getting so impatient too, so you're normal! =) That's so nice you went back to apologize, I need to work on being that kind hehe. Thanks for sharing this great story =)
Bre you're so sweet. Everyone get's a little testy around the holidays but it is so cool that you gave her something to brighten her day. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for sharing! It's wonderful to read such an honest post because I think we all have days like that but we like to hide them from our blogs ;)
I hate getting up early too-I get really grouchy when I have to get up any time before 6:30
Breface. you are amazing! i just love you, and i want you to know that i can totally picture you right now being testy with her. haha..i think it is awesome that you took her something to apologize. thanks for sharing and being an example to us all! love you!
Aww. I actually got a little teary reading this. We have all had our not so stellar moments. Your Mom gave you good advice and I am sure that lady came in the next day and appreciated your gesture.
On another note, I think Walmart as a whole has cracked down hard on copyright materials. My neighbor's son took his sister's engagement pictures and when my neighbor tried to pick up the prints for the invitations, they wouldn't give them to her. They PRINTED all 500, but wouldn't give them to her without his signature.
Literally the next week, a friend of mine in NH posted on FB that she (a trying to be professional photographer) wasn't allowed to pick up her OWN pictures because of copyright. She had to bring in her actual digital card to prove she took the pictures.
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